Ssssh….I’m busy! – Soundmasking
During holidays, it’s certainly very quiet in the office. Many colleagues are celebrating their holiday. Are you enjoying the quietness en is your workflow better than it normally is? Soundmasking With our soundmasking system you can always work in a quiet environment. Your working day will be more pleasant because […]
Catch a movie? No, I’m wearing a hearing aid…
Imagine, you’re hard of hearing. Which activities will you do less or will become completely impossible? Do you like to go to the cinema? When you’re wearing a hearing aid it isn’t comfortable to watch a movie in the cinema. The hearing aid will amplify all the noises. It can […]
Soundamplifier versus Soundfield
Voice complaints Many teachers in Europe have problems with their voice. That’s because they have to raise their voice a lot during the day. You can imagine, this is very annoying for the teachers, but also very unpleasant for the school. Teachers with voice problems will stay home for sick […]