Number of hearing impaired will grow!
One out of four Australian people will suffer from a hearing loss in 2050! Experts say, that noise exposure is the number one cause of hearing loss! Read this whole article:
What is white noise?
White noise is the sound that’s created when all frequencies are combined at the same time with the same density. White noise is a natural sound en is used for relaxation. The sound can be compared with the sound a rustling sea. In a noisy office, white noise can be […]
Cost of hearing loss
Being hard of hearing has a large effect on your daily life. But did you know, that it also effects the financial situation of you and your family? For taxpayers, a 2010 survey by the Better Hearing Institute on “The Impact of Untreated Hearing Loss on Household Income” compared income […]
Link between migrain and hearing loss
Reserachers in Taiwan have shown that there is a link between migrain and sudden hearing loss. With sudden hearing loss they mean hearing losss of which the cause is unknown and therefor hard to diagnose and treat. People who suffer from migrain have twice time more chance to get this […]