
Hearing test

Newborns who are delivered with C-section have a higher failure rate (21%) with regard to the hearing test than newborns who are delivered in the natural way. The cause is not known but it could be that it’s related to fluid in the middle ear. To avoid worries of the […]

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Brain research – How can we filter noise?

Brain researchers have done research to learn how it is possible, that, in situations with lots of rumour, we’re capable to filter noise like laughter and music, and to concentrate us fully to a conversation. This is also known as the “cocktail party-effect”. It has appeared, that, in this kind […]

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Hearing Loss – News

Hearing loss, a disability currently untreated in about 85 percent of those affected, may be the nation’s most damaging and costly sensory handicap. It is a hidden disability, often not obvious to others or even to those who have it. Its onset is usually insidious, gradually worsening over years and […]

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Collection for Action on Hearing Loss!

It’s full steam ahead for the Scottish Fundraising Team  of  Action on Hearing Loss, who will be collecting at Glasgow Central Station on Thursday 24 November between 08:00 and 10:00 and again between 15:00 and 18:00 on the same day. If you would like to support our cause why not head down to the […]

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